A listing of proposed meetings for 2024. Unless other wise noted meetings are on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, starting at 6:30pm and generally ending around 8:30.
Wednesday, March 20
We will meet at the Delaware Contemporary to visit Caroline BB’s studio and possibly some other studios as well. When you enter you can go over to the left side of the entry foyer to see the list of studio numbers.
Hopefully meet the visiting photography artist from Afghanistan, also Lisa Marie next door artist to Caroline.
Wednesday, April 17th
Rebecca Johnson Melvib will host us while we visit the University of Delaware Library’s Special Collections. These types were suggested: Stitching, Meander, Book enclosures, Accordion, Binding Techniques. Let Rebecca know of any particular interests you may have in addition.
Wednesday, May 15th
Jill and Anne will present a classic long stitch workshop. Patti will help if needed.
Wednesday, June 19th
The focus will be creating our Collaborative Group Book Project. Each participant will show up with their pages and we will each create either an accordion book or meander book (24-30 pages) and tip the pages in.
Wednesday, July 17th
Jenny will demo working with Tyvek, Others will share treatments for book covers Multiple demos.
Wednesday, August 21st
Annual Beer Meeting :
Wednesday, September 18th
Simple book structure with Jill. Flower fold, sewing two signatures at a time.
Distribute brown bags (12 1/2” H x 6” W x 3 3/4” D) into which the artist will place their book for the exchange. Mark your bag with a symbol, not your Initial, so as not to select your own book at the exchange.
Wednesday, October 16th
Annual Book Exchange, At the September meeting brown bag will be distributed into which the artist will place their book for exchange at the October meeting. Mark your bag with a symbol, not your Initial, so as not to select your own book at the exchange. Your book should have content - images, text, drawings or etc. No blank books. Seal the bag with staples. Bring the bag to the October meeting.
How the exchange works.
• All bags will be placed in the center of a table.
• Each participant will draw a number to determine the order for selecting a bag.
• Starting with #1, a book will be chosen. The person who drew #2 will go next, and so on.
• Once all the bags have been chosen, they will be opened, and the book will be shared with enthusiasm with thegroup in the order it was selected.
• The artist may wish to make additional comments on their work.
• The books will be placed on the table so all the participants to can take a closer look at them.
• You will keep the book you randomly selected, no cutthroat exchanges. Ray may suggest him hooding them till the weekend to video.
Wednesday, November 20th
2025 planning meeting and further sharing around the books in the book exchange.
Wednesday, December 18th
Holiday Gathering at Patti’s.
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Looping back to January 2024
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Wednesday, January 17th
FIELD TRIP to the Library of Congress. We plan to get our LofC reader cards so we can view some rare books.
Also planned is a viewing of “The Nature of the Book” during the trip. Timing and transportation to DC will be
discussed in December 2024. Ride train $24- 8:50am train or there is one earlier & 6:50pm home or park at
Green Belt.
Wednesday, February 21st
Alexi will demo for us:)
At this meeting the theme for our Group Book will be determined and the size of the book. This date is the
commitment deadline from those who intend to participate. This will determine the number of completed
pages each person will need to bring to the meeting on Wednesday, June 19th.