THE UPPER CHESAPEAKE BOOK ARTS GROUP has started meeting fairly regularly at the Lead Graffiti studio. The February 21 gathering was lead by RD Burton, who walked us through the process of producing a non-adhesive accordion-fold book. This refresher course in proper folding technique and gluing tips was supplemented by the oft neglected need to follow directions for the slightly tricky origami folds used to create the spine.
Everyone at this meeting had joined in an earlier session to produce paste paper, so those painterly results ended up being the cover material used in almost all of the books you see above. From left to right are RD Burton, Carol Mauer, Betsy ______, Jill Cypher, and Ray Nichols. Deborah Arnold had to sneak out early and sadly isn't included in the photo.
At Lead Graffiti, we use a similar bookmaking process in our Meander Book Creative Letterpress workshop. Making it with someone else's experienced technique reveals subtle ways to enhance something you thought you already knew.
If anyone living in the Newark-Elkton area practicing any form of book arts (students and non-students alike) is reading this and would like to be involved with the group, just drop us an email to be included. We meet (at different sites) on the 3rd Wednesday of each month for bookmaking talk, fun demos, snacks, tours, etc.
The next meeting will also be at the Lead Graffiti studio on Wednesday, March 21, from 6 -8, though we always seem to hang around for another hour or so just talking.